Posted by Heather Oblak, Spiritual Coach and Yoga Therapist
"To the Ascending Collective: Ascension in consciousness changes the physical body , it changes in accordance to everything we thought was real and true , about the self , others and the world at large , the ascending collective are going through extreme releasing so that more light can enter the bodies cells, including all other previous and dormant dna , what scientists told the world to be only junk dna files, the very files that when consciously activated holds the greatest potential of the multidimensional human being .
As our old karmic imprints burn away higher light is able to enter in , because of these purifying frequencies, It has been quite a challenge for many ascending as new energies are infiltrating.
The ascending are all feeling the many subtle changes going on around themselves and within their physical bodies , this will continue to occur so that the internal changing energy has time to adjust to the new frequencies being transmitted , helping the ascending to not only clear the old blockages, but to cognise and integrate the new earth frequency rays that embody new energetic and higher frequency signature patterns.
Many are feeling the battle wounds of this transformation and can be feeling internally exhausted . As the frequency rises it may be difficult at times to see all of the benefits of ascension on the path , however progress is always being made within self .
Many are going through a cleanse of eliminating toxins and emotional attachments that have slowly built up over many lifetimes. Solar flares will continue to be released amplifying and assisting us in the upgrade of DNA, shifting all existing vibrational frequencies.
The Ascending are returning to the Simple Ways of being and of becoming , a basic reminder for us in raising self’s Vibration:
Going back to the basics , this serves as a foundational structure in new version of self and necessary for all different chapters of ascending life , Keeping things simple is key and profound in maintaining a genuine consistency . This applies to all different levels and stages of conscious ascension .
Practicing mindfulness . Self reflection , appreciating the present moments. Choosing higher vibrational foods . Keeping the system hydrated to detoxify and purify .
Meditate regularly even for short periods at a time establishing a daily practice of inner peace . Moving the body to raise stagnate internal vibrations - dancing , stretching, hiking , walking . Etc
Engaging in interests that bring you genuine joy.
Connecting with Gaia nature , expressing love and gratitude to our abundant Earth. Practicing generosity , focusing on lessening the load , energetically opening to the giving and receiving flow of life .
Our life force is readjusting higher frequency waves of light to move through the body Ascension symptoms can feel at times uncomfortable as higher earth energy raises our collective vibration , this continues to rise and release the energy blockages, mind distortions , past residual energy that is deeply stored in the ancestral dna mechanisms.
Internal adjustments are on the rise to align the collective as it ascends, purging internal false programming, pollutants, and toxins. As the ascension collective delves deeper into processing the shadow self , connecting to the realm of spirit within becomes more evident . This enhancement in our human blueprint will create a much smoother transition as it enables far more light to permeate. The ascending are navigating many uncharted territories, in higher conscious dimensions it is learning to explore and connect to more profound experiences that were previously beyond reach.
The ascending humans on this planet can only ever handle a certain amount of energy at one time moving through the physical , the reason for this is based in the existing accumulated density , an overload of light frequencies would literally explode all energetic circuits.
All ascending are opening up to the lines of extra-sensory communication that has not been previously available on this planet . The healing in ascending Self occurs holistically and metaphysically , the spiritual , emotional, physical and mental functions based in attachments , false beliefs , Egoic aspects must all be consciously addressed, understood, released and purified for healing to authentically take place .
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service . Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers "
On the yellow brick road, what a marvel, thanks for sharing Joe