On stoping spiritual practice
When the importance changes from what will I become to what will I do.
I had a therapist tell me to stop everything spiritual for four weeks, why because my development and what I had become would be more balanced if I had not sustained a trauma impact on the back of my head the treatment was to align some of the 64 energy centres of the brain which along with my spiritual and psychic development had caused not only my diagnosis of schizophrenia from 2001, but also I had many more visits to psychiatric hospital with big shifts in energy that could not flow through, this is because had I not hit the ceiling when I was being tossed in to the air by my father, he was making me chuckle as a baby.
my cousin also has schizophrenia and he says it was because he fell out of his mothers arms on to his head as a infant.
So what do you do when spirituality is your every thing and suddenly you’re told to take a step back or stop altogether? Well this is what I have prepared to do.
First be present and second be practical thus grounded, I have learned from a coaching psychologist that to him mindfulness means full mind the opposite to empty so this is where noticing every detail sight sound touch taste and so on become your occupation and practice.
practical pass times such as nature and house maintenance would be helpful perhaps puzzles like jigsaw’s and colouring books for example this is my strategy for the next four weeks.
It will be totally worth it as it means that my development emotional psychic spiritual energy body will stabilise, allowing me to become level headed and stay grounded this makes for a foundation for a very good future and the main aim is to develop a psychic switch this allows for the activation and deactivation of the five extra sensory faculties at my will when needed to help others and to firmly have one foot in the day to day world.
I’m on day two and it has been hard my whole life for 20 years and my identity has been centred around spiritual development and resolution of trauma I had no idea that an energy worker would be able to see into my energy body and soul to administer this treatment.
I feel truly blessed that this was possible I certainly don’t want to miss this opportunity to heal and take his prescription in totality very seriously, it seems like a sacrifice perhaps even humiliating but I alone am responsible for this lesson in healthy harmonious use of my gifts for the greater good.
Love Darren
I've gone through periods of stepping away from spiritual practices and just simplifying it greatly to meditation, breathwork and focusing on grounding. I found playing sport, walking dogs, doing normal muggle activities helped me enormously. It is hard as I feel like I'm betraying something, but the reality is if you want to function well in this world you need to be grounded and once you are grounded you can open to the practice again. In hindsight I studied reiki after my kundalini activation, in attempt to balance myself, as no one knew what was going on with me, and it was probably not the best idea. Level 1 was fine but level 2 really disrupted me and probably set me back a year or so, also I was carrying so much of other people's energetic junk, a healer advised me to stop doing reiki for a while and I've stopped entirely preferring to focus on other modalities....tune in and ask for guidance, if you feel you need to step back for a while, do it. I once received a message from my guides; others cannot stand on your shoulders if you can't stand on your own two feet.
Thank you Jo to me it is like reaching a peak on a spiritual mountain reaching the potential of human development then what is left, is to do is clime the peak of the financial mountain and it seems that some of the most evolved do this as a way of spiritual world manipulating mater as a test of high metaphysical development and way of transferring wealth from a few to the many.
When I had a non dual awakening I lost all interest in both and just wanted to be! As if the the only meaning and purpose is realising that there is no meaning and purpose it at the time it kept me out of mischief as ambition often can create trouble.
I think when one is happy with the level they are at then it is a personal preference and choice that is upheld and honoured as individual birth right to do this with no harm done.
Thanks for your thoughts
I think spiritual practices can be somewhat like a ladder which we choose to climb to reach a certain place. There comes a point when it's OK to let go of the ladder and see where we have got to and ask ourselves if we actually need the ladder any more.
Or maybe you could think of it as stabilisers on a bicycle. They are helpful/ necessary at first but there comes a point where they actually limit movement, flexibility and confidence.
Just my thoughts in this moment, everyone is different.
I think sometimes it can be wise to cease spiritual practice....it all depends on the situation.
When I had my initial energetic eruption there was far too much energy for me to handle. What I needed then was grounding. Spiritual practice at that time would only have increased the energy further.. At the end of the day it is only your choice.
Thank you David your opinion is greatly appreciated I agree not to give my sovereignty or power away.
I did a bit of investigating my self with a dowsing method and it did support that all although I could have continued with the path I was on it would have been fine it tested a yes continue spiritual practice it was a 50% yes if it had been 100% then I would probably reconsidered this advice as to stop spiritual practice.
I’m am familiar with the practice of stepping back for a period of time this advice from the first therapist was given in a clearly balanced way he gave the reason and the alternative to me. it was guidance that had been provided with my best interests and ultimately the for my best life going forward and to help others with a better foundation.
As for viewing spiritual as mechanical you are correct perhaps if I elaborate more the energy centres are like wheels or vortex’s that do seem to work like the internals of a complex gearing system that mesh together the trauma impact at the head indicated a miss alignment so the some of these wheels were not engaging with each other he manipulated the system of wheels so as to put in to motion the disengaged parts to make the parts rotate in synchronicity.
So this advice or treatment plan is tested with a three legged stool it seems to stand up with the first therapist of 55years experience with a bit of a specific specialty in the head and brain by the way he was self taught it was a husband and wife team and she had confidence that stoping spiritual practice would counter balance to give the best foundation for developing psychic sense In a grounded way this will prevent a episode of spiritual crisis that seems to have occurred a few times from my case history.
Also Marie is a therapist of four decades or more and was mentored by a Professor of holistic medicine with a lifetime of practice he I estimate is in his late sixties.
Yes over two decades of my recovery journey has be made possible through spiritual practice I follow the advice to stop spiritual practice to attain the responsible and ethical use of my gifts going forward and I uphold my sovereignty thank you, thank you, thank you!
It is brilliant to learn from each other and I invite further discussion now I have presented some further information
Regards Darren
This is a second option from a rare female master of traditional Chinese medicine Hi Darren, I would agree- to get in contact with the earth, feet on the ground, do a little job- like dogwalking or so, where you have to take responsibility for something would help greatly to get grounded. And only when we're good grounded, can we expand our work to next level. I just work with a young woman, which 8nly focused on the Spiritual way and got dangeresly lostSo she started grounding and things getting better. So see what you can do, where you have to commit yourself to help others. This would be a good start.
Love Marie.❤️
My thoughts on this, is that you have been given very bad advice by your therapist to “cease spiritual practices” for 4 weeks.
My suggestion here is to meditate & ask for guidance. I had a period of my life when I had quite a lot of therapy to deal with past traumas & spirituality & spiritual practices ALWAYS help when working through deeper issues.
The advice of your therapist seems misguided & suggest that he has a very limited understanding of spirituality & views it as a mechanical process.
It sounds like your therapist is viewing spirituality as some kind of “addition”, which is really an offensive notion.
If your spiritual practices help you, go back to them right away.
Do not give away your power to someone else who proposes to be the authority on matters he does not fully understand.
YOU are the ultimate authority on your own spirituality, not anyone else.