Hello everyone. My heart goes out to those individuals who have experienced kundalini awakenings but are unaware of the term or concept of "kundalini." I suspect there are many such individuals out there seeking treatment from psychiatrists/neurologists/ etc who are also unware of kundalini. This can lead to disastrous results. I was once in that same boat myself.
I was wondering how we can convince the general medical community that kundalini is a "real thing." I don't want anyone out there to go through what I experienced before I was informed that I had had a kundalini awakening. Should Kundalini "Syndrome" be added to the DSM 5 (even though I certainly do not believe that kundalini is mental disorder)? Maybe some advocacy is in order.
Stephen - I thought my advocacy days were behind me but your idea made my heart feel happy! How wonderful will be the time when doctors acknowledge and can support the KA process!