As the "normal" and "high" become relatively higher, we are at the "low" more easily, in our own standards. We start to look for better.
We remove the "ultimate stability" tags from many circles and official / market realms, and thus we lose many things we already had, as people will not see us as committed and motivated persons.
We become parts of bigger problems, where we were really only waiting for solutions before, so our personal thing we have to carry is to remove much deeper shadows.
In the Kundalini process, Heaven is training something like warriors, through the tough situations first of themselves, and then of others. What it protected before, we have to protect, and so the forces shaping our lives become tools of our minds - this is like death, where in the first Bardo, one becomes an energetic body without "bones", which would keep a fixed reality - instead, the reality is shaping with every swing of the mind, and the mind is rather of ever-active elements than of a basic truth. Such mind will swing us through the nightmares and the dreams, losing the stability we had before, and those are the real, visible situations in our lives. This is very powerful, but the swings of mind, which is rather a chemical reaction than static vehicle keeping some given fundament, become very dangerous when the reality wants us to be responsible of those things, not providing the static solutions and problems, where we see a given state of mind as the ultimate reality, unable to change. So it's like the blue and red pill of matrix.
So the Buddhist training is to keep some fixed, static truth still available for the Mind, for time when you go through bardos. In Kundalini, you go through bardos, this could be my own point - you go through a phase, where the world is like a plastic ball you can shape, with some inherent synchronicity with others. It's full of battle and love - from the spirits you see, you get a strong alchemical reaction, where the lows and highs you could get into with them, are very visible and strong, and even if you can bend the reality like a bubble, the fast-evolving, kind of unpredictable alchemical reaction is still very much in force and reshapes your created realities into your mundane, boring problems and cycles, which you have carried. Naturally, your soul is in static position before enlightenment, where you are not endangering yourself with your own magic - in process of enlightenment, in addition to changed values, disturbancies of your mind will be reflected strongly in your life, and you are expected to keep the calm, sane mind under extreme pressure of changing direction whenever you make a hint of it, and the Force wants to guide you through your weaknesses.
Buddhist mind is very strong in trouble, where the Boddhisattvas are shown to be calm and compassionate in times of biggest pain and torture, if this can happen to them. When they can distract your earthly experience, you remain stable and upright in the realm of many lifetimes and eternities, and where the motive you feel for living is very much in others, where one wants to die very fast if they can not achieve their social and physical contribution and ever-living karmic solution; the algorithm, which makes us true and willing to live, is very much in others, in the whole - there is only one quantum computer calculating the solution, and the solution for only you would be so broken and full of logical mistake, that you cannot do this. When you think of death, of inability, the strong force, which makes this intolerable, is what you do in society, and human does not feel much pain for themselves. So when Boddhisattvas give vows they manage to be higher then this lifetime and space, or this aspect of reality, they resolve the higher condition of reaching the Wisdom and Power of Being, thus making them remain calm of their values under high depression.
When your journey through bardos continues, Kundalini is meant to carry you through the second and last bardo, which is the harmony, where you see your position in the Cosmos. This position gives you a motivation to live in higher realms, where you now cast an energy that you don't want to die. The feeling of harmonic you in the cosmos, and harmonic cosmos surrounding you, where the hardships can be deep, but it's the deeper problem you are solving - a problem, which is bigger than your personal self and personal lifetime of one unique presence. As what you saw as you would be destroyed in the first Bardo, it could hit all your protection of self, along with the urgent need to release this self of your past life; the static, egoic realm of balance is falling apart and there is chaos, the recalibration tool. If you had personal worth, it will be destroyed; if you connected naturally to a social circle, this bond is not balanced, when you felt the mission in your job, you would see many limitations and imperfections, and where the laws were stably protecting you, now you would see they do it only under given conditions, and they would label "mad" what is beyond a given constraint of Truth. Here, the stable source of energy, the paternity, is destroyed, and you are expected to see the true values of all your chakras, and balance from material to mental to spiritual with active, contemplated and creative mind. Where you just imitated a friend or a book, you have to give your conscious mind and create the situation from the basics, even if the result looks almost the same - there is the difference of quality, visible in long term and large amounts of people. The second phase of Kundalini, you would see the still-persistent harmony in the world, the ways to remain stable and steady, balanced person even through all those ways to fall; you would reattract the people and the activities from another aspect, and it would seem like a full picture, even with all those non-symmetries.
You would go to Nirvana, if in our lives, there is only a bad karma - problems to solve. If you see the good karma, you would see that there is something even less dense than lack of energy, even more relaxed state in active living. When the space of low is made of the web solving a given problem, fundamental impossibility of what we initially got; we also contain a good deed, an energy which seems every new reality as a problem from the point of another; you are not a solution to a problem, which would do it's work and disappear, but then you are also a complete person, whose life is more smooth and weightless than zero; it would rise up like a balloon of hot air. Then you would see an eternity of lifetimes of going on, a life of boddhisattva. I don't see the reasons of disappearing or rebirth - Buddha is told to not be reborn to realms we live in, and he is told to have carried his karma to the last end; but Buddha is one solitude vehicle with his own perfect path. I live each thing carefully many lifetimes and I don't see any end with enlightenment like this; rather, the enlightenment is growing awareness of given axioms, as in Buddhist theory, given consciousness of truths like karma makes a person a non-returner, who is going to be born in higher realms, where they find new forms of Truth not Buddhism, and the Buddhism would possibly be the low-school axioms. Here, when you have given away, gone through the experience of being vulnerable to each little impurity of your mind, you pure your mind, and the new Sociery, Business and Politics would watch you, even if they are really the same.
Alan, I think it's a syndrome:
As the "normal" and "high" become relatively higher, we are at the "low" more easily, in our own standards. We start to look for better.
We remove the "ultimate stability" tags from many circles and official / market realms, and thus we lose many things we already had, as people will not see us as committed and motivated persons.
We become parts of bigger problems, where we were really only waiting for solutions before, so our personal thing we have to carry is to remove much deeper shadows.
In the Kundalini process, Heaven is training something like warriors, through the tough situations first of themselves, and then of others. What it protected before, we have to protect, and so the forces shaping our lives become tools of our minds - this is like death, where in the first Bardo, one becomes an energetic body without "bones", which would keep a fixed reality - instead, the reality is shaping with every swing of the mind, and the mind is rather of ever-active elements than of a basic truth. Such mind will swing us through the nightmares and the dreams, losing the stability we had before, and those are the real, visible situations in our lives. This is very powerful, but the swings of mind, which is rather a chemical reaction than static vehicle keeping some given fundament, become very dangerous when the reality wants us to be responsible of those things, not providing the static solutions and problems, where we see a given state of mind as the ultimate reality, unable to change. So it's like the blue and red pill of matrix.
So the Buddhist training is to keep some fixed, static truth still available for the Mind, for time when you go through bardos. In Kundalini, you go through bardos, this could be my own point - you go through a phase, where the world is like a plastic ball you can shape, with some inherent synchronicity with others. It's full of battle and love - from the spirits you see, you get a strong alchemical reaction, where the lows and highs you could get into with them, are very visible and strong, and even if you can bend the reality like a bubble, the fast-evolving, kind of unpredictable alchemical reaction is still very much in force and reshapes your created realities into your mundane, boring problems and cycles, which you have carried. Naturally, your soul is in static position before enlightenment, where you are not endangering yourself with your own magic - in process of enlightenment, in addition to changed values, disturbancies of your mind will be reflected strongly in your life, and you are expected to keep the calm, sane mind under extreme pressure of changing direction whenever you make a hint of it, and the Force wants to guide you through your weaknesses.
Buddhist mind is very strong in trouble, where the Boddhisattvas are shown to be calm and compassionate in times of biggest pain and torture, if this can happen to them. When they can distract your earthly experience, you remain stable and upright in the realm of many lifetimes and eternities, and where the motive you feel for living is very much in others, where one wants to die very fast if they can not achieve their social and physical contribution and ever-living karmic solution; the algorithm, which makes us true and willing to live, is very much in others, in the whole - there is only one quantum computer calculating the solution, and the solution for only you would be so broken and full of logical mistake, that you cannot do this. When you think of death, of inability, the strong force, which makes this intolerable, is what you do in society, and human does not feel much pain for themselves. So when Boddhisattvas give vows they manage to be higher then this lifetime and space, or this aspect of reality, they resolve the higher condition of reaching the Wisdom and Power of Being, thus making them remain calm of their values under high depression.
When your journey through bardos continues, Kundalini is meant to carry you through the second and last bardo, which is the harmony, where you see your position in the Cosmos. This position gives you a motivation to live in higher realms, where you now cast an energy that you don't want to die. The feeling of harmonic you in the cosmos, and harmonic cosmos surrounding you, where the hardships can be deep, but it's the deeper problem you are solving - a problem, which is bigger than your personal self and personal lifetime of one unique presence. As what you saw as you would be destroyed in the first Bardo, it could hit all your protection of self, along with the urgent need to release this self of your past life; the static, egoic realm of balance is falling apart and there is chaos, the recalibration tool. If you had personal worth, it will be destroyed; if you connected naturally to a social circle, this bond is not balanced, when you felt the mission in your job, you would see many limitations and imperfections, and where the laws were stably protecting you, now you would see they do it only under given conditions, and they would label "mad" what is beyond a given constraint of Truth. Here, the stable source of energy, the paternity, is destroyed, and you are expected to see the true values of all your chakras, and balance from material to mental to spiritual with active, contemplated and creative mind. Where you just imitated a friend or a book, you have to give your conscious mind and create the situation from the basics, even if the result looks almost the same - there is the difference of quality, visible in long term and large amounts of people. The second phase of Kundalini, you would see the still-persistent harmony in the world, the ways to remain stable and steady, balanced person even through all those ways to fall; you would reattract the people and the activities from another aspect, and it would seem like a full picture, even with all those non-symmetries.
You would go to Nirvana, if in our lives, there is only a bad karma - problems to solve. If you see the good karma, you would see that there is something even less dense than lack of energy, even more relaxed state in active living. When the space of low is made of the web solving a given problem, fundamental impossibility of what we initially got; we also contain a good deed, an energy which seems every new reality as a problem from the point of another; you are not a solution to a problem, which would do it's work and disappear, but then you are also a complete person, whose life is more smooth and weightless than zero; it would rise up like a balloon of hot air. Then you would see an eternity of lifetimes of going on, a life of boddhisattva. I don't see the reasons of disappearing or rebirth - Buddha is told to not be reborn to realms we live in, and he is told to have carried his karma to the last end; but Buddha is one solitude vehicle with his own perfect path. I live each thing carefully many lifetimes and I don't see any end with enlightenment like this; rather, the enlightenment is growing awareness of given axioms, as in Buddhist theory, given consciousness of truths like karma makes a person a non-returner, who is going to be born in higher realms, where they find new forms of Truth not Buddhism, and the Buddhism would possibly be the low-school axioms. Here, when you have given away, gone through the experience of being vulnerable to each little impurity of your mind, you pure your mind, and the new Sociery, Business and Politics would watch you, even if they are really the same.