When my kundalini first rose I would have heightened symptoms on certain days. This continued for some time until I drew a parallel to what is known as the Schumann Resonance. This frequency can fluctuate due to the earth’s core and solar activity in the form is plasma. Each time it peaked, so would my symptoms. Almost to the hour and each day, this became a relief to discover as prior to doing so I felt I was doing something wrong and would worry about my habits.
For some unknown solar activity and the behavior of the sun has drastically changed in recent years. For sensitive people it can result in all sorts of ways: emotional outbursts, head pressure, nausea, tinnitus, insomnia, physical pain and many more. This phenomenon is becoming more understood and researched.
Is the sun conscious? Is it trying to help/evolve us in some way? I would wager it is and that we are being assisted in actualising into more suitable inhabitants for the planet and our neighbors. As the overall frequency of the world increases, so must we in order to harmonize with our home. It would appear evolution is taking a large step forward.
thanks to the powers that be and their incessant drive for more and better and faster, we have 3g, 4g, 5g, cell phones, radio towers, cell towers, gwen towers, wifi, microwaves, power lines, and a host of other technologies and weapons that royally screw up our natural resonant frequency, and as a result, humans are perpetually sick, diseased and dying. let's hope the whole kundalini thing is our ticket out of this place, eh? i'll reference a book called 'the invisible rainbow' by arthur firstenburg in case anyone's interested in finding out why we are really sick all the time.
The Schumann Resonance, primarily at 7.93hz, can be emulated with a simple frequency generator on your phone in the UK (other methods may contravene UK law unless you have a radio transmission licence)
I find it very restful.
My limited understandimg is that one could describe our planet‘s resonance as ‘Earthsong’. Other planets with similar ionospheric-land spaces are reported by space-scientists to have differing resonances (we’re led to understand) and indeed the theory seems to be that there is a universal background resonance.
It may be though that differing species resonance at differing frequencies (for example, trees seem to be reported to typically resonate at 0.3-0.5hz, while human brains supposedly have a larger range of frequencies).
I suspect that we are all part of a single entity (universal rather than just Gaian), but who can know for sure!
Thanks for sharing.